Monday, 23 January 2012
Ten Tips for a Better Workout
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Natural Sweetener
Re-evaluating Goals
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Having Khushuu with my Family
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Showing Love to your Husband
Sometimes, in the busy-ness of my day, I forget to Love my husband, and when this continues without my paying attention, I may sometimes find myself at a place where my husband becomes just another duty or obligation to deal with.
This is obviously not what marriage is about. Allah says “Among His proofs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility and contentment with each other, and He placed in your hearts love and care towards your spouses. In this, there are sufficient proofs for people who think” 30:21.
With my husband, there should be love in our hearts, care in our treatment of each other, including cherishing, and we should live together in tranquility and contentment, not as a duty or obligation or just tolerance of each other.
Now, I think anyone who knows about marriage will tell you it takes work and a lot of it, done constantly, in order to flourish and be successful inshallah. That does not mean the couple don’t love each other, it just means that it not as easy and unencumbered the way movies and stories, which are primarily made for entertainment, portray.
Working at a marriage means working at yourself, learning new things, applying what works, changing what doesn’t, listening patiently and a whole host of other skills and application that one may not have known before entering into wedded bliss.
One of the things one has to work on, or more like, to do work on, is the love you have in your heart for your spouse, by keeping it at the forefront, nourishing it regularly, and constantly attending to it the way one would a cherished garden inshallah.
So here are some of my ideas on what I can do, practically, to show love to my husband, to nourish the garden of our love inshallah.
- Copy the actions of the wives of the Prophet (salallahu alayhe wasalaam) in their treatment of their husband (more details on this later).
- Hold my husband in my arms so he may feel the whole of me right there with him, physically, and draw what strength or fulfillment he may need after a hard day of work and dealing with the world outside our home.
- Take time to look into his eyes, looking at his face, smiling warmly, with the my full focus on him, so he knows I’m there and present, seeing him and being pleased at what I see. At the same time, letting my heart soak in and refill with my love for the man I married with eyes wide open mashAllah
- Compliment my husband regularly, just because he is my husband and that’s a hard job in and of itself, with special attention paid when he does something particularly endearing or hard or that I had requested be done
- Thank my husband effusively whenever possible, for doing things he is supposed to, as well for those not necessarily in his sphere, for trying, for helping, etc.
- Tell him I love him often, when we are alone, with our kids around, with family, whispered to him while in public, etc. Whenever I remember inshallah or the situation warrants or just as cherry on top the ice cream Sunday!
- Do sweet things for my husband, especially those I know he will enjoy. Some sweet things are massages (can just be across the shoulders to relieve tension), preparing a special meal or desert, creating a romantic atmosphere, surprising him with a small present (store bought or handmade), etc.
There are many things one can do to show love to the husband, some are actual things, some are words, and some are can only be felt by him so your actions will speak the most inshallah. It does take work make a beautiful marriage and like a garden, the more TLC you give it, the more it will flourish a testimony of true and abiding love inshallah.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Conviction bleeds into the Speech
This is a Christian speaking about wearing a head cover/veil:
“The covering not only speaks to others around us of our commitment and dedication to God and to our Godly marriage (if married), but it should also be a constant reminder to ourselves, to take care in our actions, our speech, and our treatment toward others. The presence of Godly modesty is often a silent, guiding influence to direct our daily lives with respect and honor as children of God, and also provides an invisible wall of protection from the endless attacks and temptations from the world around us. When the head covering is understood to be a statement of modesty and meek humility before God, we embrace it as part of our clothing as closely as we would embrace our most intimate apparel. To the woman who cherishes her head covering, it would be to her as nakedness to go without.”
Imagine that, a christian woman advocating the head covering, and statating the conviction behind it that would make any Muslimah proud to read mashAllah. May Allah increase us in yaqeen, in conviction to live out the truth that we learn, and guide us to His Pleasure amen.
Having Khushuu with my Family
Being with the family, all of us together and engaged with each other is such an important part of loving each other actively and helping each other to be better individuals when the time comes to be apart from each other.
Many a times my husband has cautioned regarding spending time online and being careful that it does not take time away from the family, my various duties, and worshipping Allah with khushuu. In this case, I believe having khushuu or focus and full awareness, while being with the family, not being distracted in anyway, will bring the same benefits to the family, that are brought to the formal salaat (prayer).
One of the best ways to bring khushuu into your salaat is to worship Allah as if you see Him, because then your focus is fully on Him and on what you are doing while there in front of Him.
Similarly, having khushuu while with your family means shutting out the world’s distractions such as internet, phones, ipods, book/magazine reading, duties, etc. to the extent that your focus and your full attention and awareness is upon your family and you are fully engaged with each member inshallah.
There should be at least two times per day when family should be together physically and emotionally, enjoying each other, sharing about their day, any plans, concerns, frustrations, successes, seeking advice, and generally loving and laughing each other and together inshallah.
Furthermore, there should be special time with the husband and wife inshallah, where not even the distraction of children is allowed. The best times would probably be after Fajr before the day starts and/or after Isha and putting the children and their own personal day to bed inshallah.
The couple time need not be especially intimate or romantic each and every time, but it should be the time when the two strive to nurture and renew each with soft touches, gentle words, and tender hugs.
Couple time is essential to having a strong and steadfast marriage, which will translate to a strong and steadfast family inshallah. When the couple takes time to focus on just each other, not just as part of the duty to be intimate, but fully enjoying their time, physically, mentally, and emotionally, their trust and reliance on each other is strengthened and any cracks are healed before they turn into open festering sores inshallah.
Gaining Perspective
This is a story I’ve seen around and when I found it again today, I thought to post it here for reference/reminder and inshallah to benefit from.
One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.
They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.
On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”
“It was great, Dad.”
“Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked.
“Oh yeah,” said the son.
“So, tell me, what you learned from the trip?” asked the father.
The son answered:
“I saw that we have one dog and they had four.
We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end.
We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.
Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.
We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.
We buy our food, but they grow theirs.
We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.”
The boy’s father was speechless.
Then his son added, “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.”
Isn’t perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happen if we all gave thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying about what we don’t have.
Appreciate every single thing you have because Allah has blessed you with it. Be thankful of the gifts, repentant of your short comings and patient in your difficulties and struggles inshallah.