I’m a Muslim woman who is striving to love my family in my words and actions, for the Pleasure of Allah, in hopes of raising my children upon the Straight Path.
Being a wife and mother are two of the most rewarding and wonderful states, continuously rejuvenating and re-energizing my heart and soul, and fulfilling my desire to serve and sacrifice inshallah.
This blog is inshallah going to be in honor of my efforts to be the generously loving wife and mother that I envision for myself.
I hope to post my daily struggles and successes, any insight into the various aspects of my many roles, the head of which is wife and mother, and whatever else strikes my fancy or lends itself interesting to blogging.
I hope to make this place interesting, inspiring, insightful, artful, and thought-provoking. In addition, I hope to explore the full extent of what being a Muslim woman, wife, and mother can mean and the many and varied resources that are available to help us broaden ourselves.
Please join me in my journey however and whenever you can.
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